Business coaching, soft skills development and change management

sales coaching
for experts

Sales Mindset coaching is a combination of various methods of training skills, working with inner attitudes and achieving quantitative goals

sales IS the best challenge for your development
As if you are an expert in a completely different field, and here you need another set of skills.
How do we overcome our fears and insecurities and avoid slipping into imposing our services?
The format of group coaching will give you the opportunity to try yourself in a new role, set the goals and get the tools to achieve them.
An individual introductory kick-off meeting at the beginning of the program will help you set a goal of development and achievement x2 sales growth
"Expert Sales Tools"
Training session
First coaching session
Second coaching session
Third coaching session
Fourth coaching session
Fifth coaching session
Individual session
Final coaching session
Introductory meeting
"Belief in your profession"
"Belief in your product"
"Belief in yourself"
Field coaching/mentoring of your sales skills
"Your X2 Sales Springboard"
"Belief in your client"
"Belief in the result"
1 training session about sales tools
1 training session about sales tools
field coaching with feedback
field coaching with feedback
circle of peers, experience exchange and group support
each member works and achieves their specific sales goal
a group of up to 7 members
a lot of driving energy
6 individual coaching sessions
+ 1 additional session on request
individual program with more flexibility
100% focus on the specificity of your individual request and goal
Group coaching
a duration is about 4-5 months
individual schedule and duration
Individual coaching
6 group sessions of 2 hours each
Answer 5 questions and receive the file “Change Launcher” as a gift
Choose your word order
Testimonials of clients
Был уверен в своем опыте и навыках продаж. Назначал большое количество встреч, которые не проходили дальше по воронке продаж.
При высокой вовлеченности и активности, наблюдалось длительное не выполнение плана, усталость и разочарование
Прошел оценку компетенций ведения переговоров и управления продажами, где были отмечены сильные стороны (презентация) и зоны роста (гибкость, планирование, эмоциональный интеллект). Было важно принять и осознать полученную обратную связь.
Во время коуч-сессий работал в запросами: развитие EQ, уверенность в себе, гибкость в переговорах, отработка модели переговоров с разными типом клиентов, изменение установок и привычных навыков, целеполагание.
Отличная возможность развития навыков во время полевого коучинга (совместные встречи с клиентами и разбор реальных кейсов)
Владимир Т.
менеджер по привлечению корпоративных клиентов.
: через 2 месяца был заключен первый контракт с клиентом В2 В. Планы продаж стали регулярно выполняться через 3,5 месяца. В результате коучинга, были отмечены изменения в позиционировании, более легкое и уверенное ведение переговорах, ушел страх проявлять разные эмоции и появилась эмпатия в работе с клиентами, что позволило строить долгосрочные отношения и управлять результатами проектов и продаж
Vladimir T.
Relationship corporate manager
I was confident in my experience and sales skills, appointed a large number of meetings that did not run further through a sales funnel. With high engagement and activity, there was a prolonged lack of plan implementation, fatigue and frustration.

After 2 months, the first B2B contract with the client was concluded. Sales plans began to be implemented regularly after 3.5 months. As a result of coaching, there were changes in positioning, negotiations were held much more confidently and easier. The fear of expressing different emotions was gone and empathy appeared in work with clients, which allowed to build long-term relationships and manage project results and sales

I passed an assessment of negotiation and sales management competencies, where strengths (presentation) and growth zones (flexibility, planning, emotional intelligence) were noted. It was crucial to accept and realize the feedback received.
During the coaching sessions I worked with such requests as EQ development, self-confidence, flexibility in negotiations, working out the negotiation model with different types of clients, changing attitudes and habitual skills, goal-setting. This is an excellent opportunity to develop skills during field coaching (joint meetings with clients and analysis of real cases)
Tamara S.
soft skills coach
There was a desire to develop my career as a business trainer, to get more orders and customers for the services. There was no clear understanding of the specifics of my services, whom I want and do not want to work with. It was uncomfortable to sell and share my services directly. I wanted to increase the volume and develop but there was no concrete goal, rather vague motivation and general language.
I decided to try tools of Sales Coaching for my self-development, with expectations to start moving faster to my goals, improve sales and negotiation skills.

The amazing tool “6 faith in expert sales” helped me to understand the difference between beginners and experts of their business. My insight at the beginning was that, despite my experience, in negotiations with clients I showed myself as if I were a beginner.

During the coaching sessions I was able to achieve more confidence, felt like the expert I had always wanted to be, developed my own negotiation style, found a few tips that help close deals and not be afraid of being rejected.
The huge growth zone for me was faith in the client, when it is not necessary to persuade and prove the advantages of your product but it is important in dialogue to create value. At the beginning of coaching a specific goal was formulated that would be the result for me. This is the result I managed to achieve in 4.5 months.
I thank Tatiana for clear vision, concrete tools, faith in me, support and many challenges during our work!
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